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Mom, what do you do at your work?

-Mom, what do you do at work? My son asked me when we were driving to school.

I stumbled…This was a tough question!

I am a Quantum Hypnotherapist.

How do I explain that to 6 years old?

-Well, -I said, - I am helping people reach their inner resources to accomplish their dreams.

Long pause….

I realized this wasn’t quite a clear explanation for my 6-year-old boy.

Well, my usual adult concepts wouldn’t work here. This might be interesting, I thought, and I decided to try from a different direction:

-Everyone has a dream, you know, every person wants to become better at something, or make a certain change in their life, to be a better version of themselves. I have a way that helps people to do that.

-You can do that? How do you do that? - My son became very curious.

-Well, not exactly, I do not do that by myself. I help people to connect to a very powerful resource that they have but don’t know about. When they discover it, they can do much more than they think. You see, our mind is like a very sophisticated machine. There is a part of us that sees a much bigger picture than we do with our eyes. Let's say it is like a miraculous navigation system that we use when we drive a car. We use a navigation system in our car, don’t we?

-Yes, we do! - He replied.

-How does it help us? – I asked

Mom, it is easy. Papa has it, too. When you want to know how to get somewhere faster, if there is traffic, or if there is a better way, we use it. So you can drive with no worries. It tells you everything: where to turn and where to go. Why are you asking this, Mom?

Imagine that our mind is a driver, and the car is our vehicle to move around—like our body.

-This is funny, Mom; can I choose the body I want? I mean, the car I want? I want to be a Lamborghini; it is fast and looks cool!!! - My son was lit with enthusiasm.

We laughed.

I started to like this conversation since the metaphor I chose worked well, and I wanted to explain that we all come to this experience with a particular purpose.

-Ok, let's imagine that we chose our body before we came here, and when we choose, we think not only about the look of it but also about the purpose of our life. When you choose a Lamborghini, you know that it is fast and it is cool, but there are no spaces on the back for kids, right? If some one wants to have a big family –will choose a mini van, for example. Or, if someone wants to do some hard work—probably would choose a tractor or a truck.

So you choose your car according to your purpose or your plan. Then, we start driving it. Let’s say that the destinations we have -- are our dreams and our goals.

You drive in that car of yours and look around, so you know what is going on around you. This way, you can make the best decision about the situation on the road. Let's say you see the tree on the road. What would you do?

-Of course, I would find another way!

-Good. This decision is very similar to a life situation when you want to do something, but it is impossible, so you must act differently. For example, someone applied for a job he wanted but got rejected. What to do? Find another way: apply for a different job, for example.

Now, this is where your navigation system will come in handy! You see, the navigation system has a different perspective than we do. We can only look through the windows of our car and see only where our sight can reach.

We can only see with our eyes, hear with our ears, then send this information to our brain, then it is compared with the data we store in our memory, and then we interpret it compared to the things that we already know. This is how a driver sees and understands what is happening around him. This perspective is quite limited, if you think about all the other things that are happening in the city: better routes, ways to avoid traffic, accidents, and other things that affect our journey

Luckily, we have more systems in our car that help us to navigate.

This tool that we have in our car doesn’t have this limiting perspective that we have as humans. It can see a much bigger picture. Since it is beyond our physical senses, their picture is bigger than a neighborhood, bigger than the whole city, bigger than this continent, bigger than the whole planet, and bigger than our universe. It is much more than we can imagine!

-This is cool, mom. Can it see in the space, too?

-Yes, it can. It can be seen so far that we as humans cannot imagine with our minds. This is how wise it is. It can see beyond time and space. It knows when and why you chose your car, and it knows what journey you planned. It knows about all the cars you have ever had before, and it knows where you went with the cars and what you did there. All those stories are there, and you can ask your Higher Self, and it will tell you.

Now, let's see how this could help us drive safely and effortlessly, bypassing all the possible obstacles and getting us to our destinations (goals).

Just imagine driving in an unknown city, using a navigation system that can see many options and choose the right and optimal way to reach the desired destination, bypassing all the obstacles on the way! This smart navigation system in our vehicle is very wise, caring, and supportive and capable of making any adjustments to the journey and to the vehicle (our body). Would it be fun to use this wise system during your driving experience?

What if I told you that it can also make changes to the car, optimizing all other systems involved?

-Wow! - My son said,

This must be fun! What else can it do? Can it make a flying car out of a regular one?

I like it! I would like to have it! Can I have it?

-Of course! We all have it This system comes with the car. It is “build in”, comes with the car from The Manufacturer! This system is always running in the background when we drive, but we don’t hear it, we don’t know where is the button to turn the volume “up”. It is like a radio station that always plays, even if we do not listen to it. We can hear it only when we tune into it. It is there always, even if we turn the radio off. The only way to listen to it is to turn the radio “on” and tune into the right wave, you see.

At my work, I show people how to find this miraculous navigation system that comes built into the car so they know more than their physical senses can provide. When people connect to their Higher Self, they have greater intuition, they can understand why things happen to them, they know the reason for their issues, and they know the ways to resolve problems. It is like having a Super Mind that sees beyond.

This is what I do.

-Mom, so you help them find this Navigation system that knows everything?

-Yes, that is right.

-Mom, it is so easy, you just find it, and that’s it, right?

-Yes, that is right.

-Mom, if this is so simple, why does it take so long?

I started laughing.

-Hmm, you know, son, people--they are very complicated creatures!

Alexandra Sasha Tarakanov

Certified Hypnotherapist CHt

QHHT practitioner Level 3

Reiki Master and Teacher

To book your QHHT session, please contact Alexandra

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